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Author Topic: New Member Audition Forms  (Read 1843 times)

Offline Sea of SinTopic starter

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New Member Audition Forms
« on: September 24, 2024, 08:44:43 PM »
  • [kisses]0
  • [hisses]0

  • 1. Find the audition form that best fits your needs.
    2. Click the "select" button next to code at the base of it.
    3. Copy/Pasta highlighted information (select will automatically highlight)
    4. Fill out the form in full.
    5. Submit form - > here

    Different forms

    For Canon Roles or SOS OCs
    Original aka CYO characters
    November 2024 Promotion
    September 2024 Promotion

    « Last Edit: December 01, 2024, 05:15:16 PM by Sea of Sin »

    Offline Sea of SinTopic starter

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    Re: New Member Audition Forms
    « Reply #1 on: September 24, 2024, 09:21:02 PM »
  • [kisses]0
  • [hisses]0

    • We do not accept Marvel/DC characters in your initial audition.
    • Should you have a CYO (create your own) character, use the appropriate audition form. If it is not available, this means we are not accepting CYO. Do not ask us to open this for you.
    • No matter what form you fill out, you must do so in full. If you are unsure about a question, either add us on our discord - > here < - Or shoot us a message in ask away. Blanks will classify the audition form as incomplete and thus your audition will automatically be denied.

    Part 1 (ooc)

    • What are the answers to the hidden questions within the rules?:
    • Do you know your way around a forum site?: (We are willing to help teach you how to use it)
    • Have you ever been a member of this rpg before?: (If yes, include the character's name)
    • Are you currently in any rpgs? (If yes, include the name of the rpg)
    • Are you over the age of 18?: (If no, how old are you.)
    • Are you capable of separating real life and roleplay? Do you?
    • Do you have issues with mixing fandoms, alternate universe characters and original characters?
    • How did you come to find our rpg?: (referred, saw status, search, ect.)
    • Why do you wish to join the family?
    • What do you feel makes you best for this role?
    • What is your discord, so that if you are accepted we can add you to the server? (if you wish to leave this blank you will need to join the potential members discord server, linked above and you'll have to let us know which character you are auditioning for so we can make the connection)

    Part 2 (ic)

    • Are you bringing in a canon or a premade oc?
    • What fandom is your character from?
    • What is your character's gender?
    • Who is your character's play-by?
    • What is your character's first AND last name?: (we do know not all canons have last names, you are welcome to leave it off in that case, but do not assume, try to find one, because if we come across it later, we won't be happy.)
    • What is your character's relationship status? If taken by whom?: (we do acknowledge and respect outside rpg relationships. Also note that if you're not looking to ship, we would like that information as well.)
    • What is your character's species? (If you are a wolf you will need to join a pack, and if you are a witch you will need a coven)
    • If your character is dead, in the canon, how are you desiring to explain their death didn't occur?

    Part 3 (writing sample)

    • Writing sample should be 2-3 paragraphs in length. Please keep in mind this is a sample, we won't read a novel to see if you've met the requirements listed below.
    • The sample should be written from the point of view, of the character in which you are auditioning for.
    • All writing samples will need to include crossovers, both a character, and a location. Note that the character and location can not be from the same fandom as each other, or your character you're bringing in. [EX: Your character is from True Blood, and you talk with Tristan Duffy (AHS) in the McCall House (teen wolf).
    • Remember, if you are working off a promotion, either one that says you do not need to do a sample, or you have open sample, you must include this information with your audition form, or it will be denied as being done incorrectly. [EX: if you have come across one of our promotions and it says that you do not need to do a sample if you are bringing in a horror movie character, simply put for "part 3" HORROR CHARACTER PROMOTION.

    Code: [Select]
    Pt 1:

    Pt 2:

    Pt 3:
    « Last Edit: November 29, 2024, 04:28:39 PM by Sea of Sin »

    Offline Sea of SinTopic starter

    • Sinner's Paradise!!
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    Original Character Form
    « Reply #2 on: September 24, 2024, 09:22:45 PM »
  • [kisses]0
  • [hisses]0

    • We will not be accepting Marvel/DC characters with this audition form.
    • We will not be accepting "mutants" with this audition form.
    • We will not be accepting Gods/Goddesses with this audition form.
    • We will not be accepting demons, half demons, angels, or half angels with this audition form.

    Part 1 (ooc)

    • What are the answers to the hidden questions within the rules?:
    • Do you know your way around a forum site?: (We are willing to help teach you how to use it)
    • Have you ever been a member of this rpg before?: (If yes, include the character's name)
    • Are you currently in any rpgs? (If yes, include the name of the rpg)
    • Are you over the age of 18?: (If no, how old are you.)
    • Are you capable of separating real life and roleplay? Do you?
    • Do you have issues with mixing fandoms, alternate universe characters and original characters?
    • Flexibility when entering an rpg like this is key, are you accepting of the fact that certain things might need to be altered or even, toned down for your role to fit in?
    • How did you come to find our rpg?: (referred, saw status, search, ect.)
    • Why do you wish to join the family?
    • What is your discord, so that if you are accepted we can add you to the server? (if you wish to leave this blank you will need to join the potential members discord server, linked above and you'll have to let us know which character you are auditioning for so we can make the connection)

    Part 2 (ic)

    • What fandom does your character best associate with? (we understand that some original characters can in fact be your own design, not based off any fandom, so give us your closest guess where they might fit best)
    • What is your character's gender?
    • Who is your character's play-by?
    • What is your character's first AND last name? (yes, both are required)
    • What is your character's relationship status? If taken by whom? (we do acknowledge and respect outside rpg relationships. Also note that if you're not looking to ship, we would like that information as well.)
    • What is your character's species? (If you are a wolf you will need to join a pack, and if you are a witch you will need a coven)
    • Give us a brief summary about your character, include things not listed above that would be vital to your characters growth and how it will fit into the rpg. (do not exceed 3 paragraphs, we have lives, so if you send us a novel, we won't read it, and thus you will be denied)

    Part 3 (writing sample)

    • Writing sample should be 2-3 paragraphs in length. Please keep in mind this is a sample, we won't read a novel to see if you've met the requirements listed below.
    • The sample should be written from the point of view, of the character in which you are auditioning for.
    • All writing samples will need to include crossovers, both a character, and a location. Note that the character and location can not be from the same fandom as each other, or your character you're bringing in. [EX: Your character is from True Blood, and you talk with Tristan Duffy (AHS) in the McCall House (teen wolf).
    • Remember, if you are working off a promotion, either one that says you do not need to do a sample, or you have open sample, you must include this information with your audition form, or it will be denied as being done incorrectly. [EX: if you have come across one of our promotions and it says that you do not need to do a sample if you are bringing in a certain type of character, simply put for "part 3" the name of the promotion.

    Code: [Select]

    Pt 1:

    Pt 2:

    Pt 3:
    « Last Edit: November 29, 2024, 04:28:32 PM by Sea of Sin »

    Offline Sea of SinTopic starter

    • Sinner's Paradise!!
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    • Sinner -4- LIFE
    September Promotion 2024
    « Reply #3 on: September 24, 2024, 09:39:42 PM »
  • [kisses]0
  • [hisses]0
  • Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
    « Last Edit: December 01, 2024, 05:14:44 PM by Sea of Sin »

    Offline Sea of SinTopic starter

    • Sinner's Paradise!!
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    • Posts: 361
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    • Just Vibin': +2/-0
    • Sinner -4- LIFE
    November Promotion 2024
    « Reply #4 on: October 09, 2024, 12:15:11 AM »
  • [kisses]0
  • [hisses]0
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    « Last Edit: December 01, 2024, 05:14:33 PM by Sea of Sin »